A Brief History
Dji Sam Soe is a trademark of cigarettes manufactured by PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk. Dji Sam Soe is a showcase of Indonesia-born son of Fujian, China called Liem Seeng Tee created in 1913 in Surabaya. Dji Sam Soe (Hanzi: 二 三四) is a Hokkien dialect pronunciation of the language, in Fujian province, China, which means 234 which, when added to the number 9. Liem Seeng Tee, believe that the myth of the 9 it brings good luck and perfection. Consequently all aspects of clove cigarettes products were encountered such as the number 9, Dji Sam Soe, Sampoerna, the number of stars on the 234 logo and the corners numbered 9. This belief is firmly held by Liem Seeng Tee in creating products clove cigarettes. Even the belief in the number 9 is not just a myth, the PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk. set the number of employees to produce Dji Sam Soe in Sampoerna Clove House (Surabaya) amounted to two hundred and thirty four (234) people, nothing more and nothing less.
234 Product Variants include :
Cigarettes :
* Dji Sam Soe Kretek 10 cigarettes (Fatsal - 5)
* Dji Sam Soe Kretek 12 cigarettes (Fatsal - 5)
* Dji Sam Soe Kretek 16 rods (Fatsal - 5)
* Dji Sam Soe Super Premium (Fatsal - 5)
* Special Dji Sam Soe (Dismissed)
Filter :
* Dji Sam Soe Filter 12 cigarettes (Fatsal - 5) - (Dismissed)
* Dji Sam Soe Filter 12 cigarettes (Fatsal - 5)
* Dji Sam Soe Super Premium Magnum Filter 12 cigarettes (Fatsal - 5)
Advantage of Dji Sam Soe
Dji Sam Soe arguably an anomaly in the industry with fierce competition. The reason is, the more expensive a product, its sales volume will be fewer and fewer. But not so with the Dji Sam Soe. Indonesia's most expensive cigarette sales are rising. In the current economic crisis, fuel prices rose, cloves or excise tax increase, sales did not decline. Because of this, many see the Dji Sam Soe as an inspiration on the importance of a strong brand, because it can increase profit margins are very significant. Dji Sam Soe success is because managers are able to build both the functional and emotional. Constructed from the functional side of cigarette products, which have recognized the power of taste, straw weight, and racikannya invincible. From the emotional side, Dji Sam Soe is positioned as a premium product with the image.
What's interesting journey this old brand, has never changed brands, shapes and packaging significantly. From the first, pack of Dji Sam Soe almost never change. Similarly, it seems, still remains the same, as when first formulated by Liem Seeng Tee - founder of HMS. That makes the Dji Sam Soe have long special is not changed, but increasingly accepted by many. Almost all social groups become loyal customers of Dji Sam Soe.
The Indonesia BestBrand Survey 2008 also found similar findings. Dji Sam Soe is ranked first in the category of cigarettes bridge, with a value of 41.0 Brand Value, far left Gudang Garam, ranked second, with a score of 17.7. This is the sixth consecutive Dji Sam Soe chosen as the best brand. At each of the variables measured, Dji Sam Soe always emerged as the highest scorers. To Top of Mind Ad variables, Dji Sam Soe scored 46.8; Top of Mind Brand,, 5; BrandShare,, 2, and Satisfaction,, 7. In fact, surveys conducted with a fairly equitable distribution of respondents, namely 25.2% of SESA, 19.3% of SES B, 45.5% of SES C and 10% of SES D / E. Yet also, when viewed in terms of price, Dji Sam Soe is high compared to other brands in its category. Reflecting on the above statistics, it is clear that the Dji Sam Soe is very difficult to slide the other players in the category of cigarette bridge. The survey results are an accumulation of Dji Sam Soe image built from the beginning of its appearance, as the cigarette which prioritizes the satisfaction of the audience, in terms of taste and a premium product image.
But although the Dji Sam Soe has so many advantages, the success of the inscribed date did not come easily. Including, when the brand is already known to the public such as now. Currently such a tight competition that should not be complacent at all.
One of the convenience in managing brand Dji Sam Soe is a quality that was already known to be very good. Currently, the only attempt made HMS continues to maintain high quality by implementing a strict quality control system. Tobacco use must be ascertained in accordance with standard specifications Dji Sam Soe, the tobacco class with a predefined age. Moreover, the HMS should think hard so that the performance can Dji Sam Soe climate keeps rising in the middle of this increased competition.
One factor that HMS is the center of attention of marketing communications. HMS continues to design an appropriate communication strategies for the Dji Sam Soe, both in the line above (above the line) and the bottom line (below the line). Speaking on the lines of communication, tobacco products have many limitations related to government regulations that prohibit cigarette manufacturers to advertise on certain hours and must not display the functionality of the product. Therefore, tobacco products have always played with the image or perception.
Similarly, Dji Sam Soe. Cigarettes are the perfect philosophy-laden or "Sampoerna" and the belief in lucky number nine - among other things, stars, amounting to 9 and 234 numbers that add up the results 9 - Man is also often display that shows the product class, either on television, radio and billboard.
In terms of advertising expenditure, HMS courage no doubt. In fact, based on data in the financial statements until the end of the quarter HMS 11/2008, the total cost incurred Wan and promotion of HMS reached Rp 473.4 billion or about 25% of the company's total operating expenses reached USD 1619.51 billion.
Nielsen Media Research data also reveal a similar trend. Dji Sam Soe ad spending from year to year is quite large. In 2006, the total money spent mengomunikasikanDji HSM to Sam Soe in various media to reach Rp 165.56 billion. Nearly the same amount was issued in 2007, ie Rp 163.56 billion. While until the end of the semester 1/2008, ad spending Dji Sam Soe Rp 65.961 billion.
Bottom line in terms of promotion, Dji Sam Soe no less aggressive. However, the same as in the track line up, bottom-line activities of Dji Sam Soe well adapted to its brand value. In this case, the focus of Dji Sam Soe is on three events: football, small and medium enterprises and jazz music. Three types of activities also implies communication strategy Dji Sam Soe who want to reach all socioeconomic levels of society. Local football (generally) to a lower level, the SME to medium businesses, and jazz to the level above.

Finally, Dji Sam Soe also get into Jazz music event. Enjoy jazz music is similar to enjoying the Dji Sam Soe, not in a hurry and enjoy every second that passes. And jazz music also tend to be longer than any other music, so it can be enjoyed longer. This character is perfect with the Dji Sam Soe, so they get into jazz music. In recent years, Dji Sam Soe became the primary sponsor of two of the largest jazz event in the country: Jak Jazz and Java Jazz.
In 2008, Dji Sam Soe made a breakthrough by producing their own event entitled "Dji Sam Soe Urban Jazz Crossover". As the name suggests, this is a stage collaboration involving a variety of different genres of mainstream music its very distinctive character, as well as jazz.
Interestingly, of every event that was held, the HMS did not make an increase in sales as an indicator of the success of the event. Similarly, the cost of advertising, not exclusively associated with the sale.Dji Sam Soe strength not only lies in the quality of products consisting of flavors, the quality of tobacco, clove quality, and so forth, but also its brand heritage. Dji Sam Soe already have a nice association and strong. People are not only limited to features smoked products, but the Dji Sam Soe has become part of everyday life.
Dji Sam Soe now have four product lines: Dji Sam Soe Kretek, Dji Sam Soe Filter, Dji Sam Soe Super Premium and Dji Sam Soe Super Premium Magnum. Dji Sam Soe each variant has a different positioning. Dji Sam Soe Kretek for all smokers among adult or mature. But, it is possible also in the market SKM (bridge cigarette machine) which started to grow we leverage the Kretek be Dji Sam Soe Filter. Super Premium for those who appreciate things that are superior or rare. Then launched the product with the composition of clove, tobacco and sauce of choice.
Despite having offspring, Dji Sam Soe Classic Kretek still accounted for the largest sales in the company, even in the cigarette segment bridge. If the bridge cigarette, Dji Sam Soe there is no opponent. But for SKM, because they are new, its sales have not been significant.
So, it can be concluded that the Dji Sam Soe brand could be called phenomenal. This brand gives the most interesting branding lesson to be studied. Because, Dji Sam Soe brand show clearly that parents can be refreshed, can continue to grow, and relevant to the target market is extremely dynamic. Until now, the Dji Sam Soe Indonesia is the largest tobacco in terms of revenue. Dji Sam Soe Indonesia worthy of the title as the best Long-Life Brand. It can be difficult to explain Dji Sam Soe with modern concept of branding. Traditionally, it has a very strong heritage, but able to grow and continuing to the present.
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