The most popular subbrand of Djarum cigarettes (internationally at least), Djarum Black, is sold in black and original packaging. Each cigarette is rolled in black paper. They are sold in flat, skinny packs of twenty cigarettes, rows of ten across and two deep (as are nearly all other internationally sold Djarum products). The package bears an embossed Djarum gramaphone stylus logo, and a stylized red "A" in the word "Black". Blacks are a medium potency cigarette, comparable with "Medium" flavor cigarettes of many other common brands like Marlboro, though their tastes are dissimilar, attributable to the Asian "Srintil" versus American tobacco and the addition of cloves. By weight, cloves make up about 40% of the cigarette, the remaining 60% being tobacco. The filter of Blacks are coated in a spiced "sauce", flavored with spices native to the region; mainly the taste is of clove, cardamom, and cinnamon; the "sauce" is also rather sweet. Blacks are packed much tighter than most American brands of cigarettes, and tend to be hard to draw from for the first few drags. They also have a tendency to go out if not drawn from regularly, an effect that is exaggerated if the user packs the cigarettes prior to use. An additional effect of tight packing is the propensity for Blacks to burn 1/4-1/3 longer than more common brands, though this is of course dependant on the individual smoker as well.
Loaded with the uniqueness and innovation, Djarum Black is one of the brand PT. Djarum who successfully position themselves in the top ranks of the tight competition similar industries. Dare to be different as the first black berkertas cigarettes, followed by continuous innovations like Djarum Black Djarum Black Cappuccino and Tea which is a cappuccino-flavored cigarettes and taste of tea in Indonesia.
Dated March 31, 2008, black shades brand launched their cutting edge innovation that is Djarum Black Slimz. "Why slimz named, because this is a unique smoking cigarettes first black paper with a trunk diameter of the smallest in Indonesia is 6.1 mm and length 95 mm," said Corporate Communications Manager. Djarum, also adding that the latest variant "Slimz" This was created for people who crave stability of the smart urban flavor and a smoother pull. Stability of these products are also backed with black paper cigarette packaging design is elegant and chic modern style minimalist and masculine.
"Appearances are more slender Djarum Black does not mean reducing the stability of sense. That stability is more subtle flavor and pull the mainstay of Djarum Black Slimz"
Indeed, when viewed in the current tobacco industry, cigarette category Clove Cigarettes Machine (SKM) lights are the fastest growing category compared with other smoking categories. Recorded an increase of 2.8%, from 17.6% in 2006 to 20.4% in 2007. Seeing opportunity, PT. Djarum sure to get the market in the category of SKM lights with Djarum Black Slimz produced through a process mature and tested for 2 years. See a very tight competition in this category, it is impossible to win the competition with the products mediocre. Therefore we created a full product differentiation is.

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