PT HM Sampoerna Tbk re-release products clove cigarette hand (SKT) Dji Sam Soe Gold. This latest product is the development of Dji Sam Soe cigarettes prior to the seven and a variant on the market. This product is specially formulated so that it has character and excellence that is not less than its predecessor. However, these variants still retain the flavor and quality typical of Dji Sam Soe cigarettes, targeting adult smokers. It's our newest product warranty for using tobacco and clove number one quality that exist in Indonesia. This product as a continued innovations HM Sampoerna, given the Dji Sam Soe now have a place in society. Physical form of deliberately designed in contrast to a cylindrical shape. Variant previously known to the shape of a cone. While packing, purposely using the system flavor seal openings.
This product has been released to the market at once began July 2, 2009 in Indonesia, with a selling price of Rp 9.000/pack content of 12 cigarettes. With the price of Rp 9.000/pack, a fairly standard price for the product output HM Sampoerna.
With packing paper color glossy golden brown ala Dji Sam Soe Super Premium variants, capable of displaying the image of an elegant and handsome. Adopt a system of small adhesive plastic seal on the upper left corner as a manhole cover to open and remove cigarettes from the pack. but the seal does not last a long time of this writing, rekatan seal is not good. Cigarette rod is still in a standard size clove wrapped in white paper with the logo of Dji Sam Soe Gold reminds me of unfiltered Camel cigarettes (Camel "soft pack").
What about the "taste" the perfection of the tag-line advertising campaign for its smooth and steady? Dji Sam Soe Gold is soft and feels quite light when smoked, the flavor and aroma of 234 will be retained, although not "as strong and as perfect" his older brother. Blend of clove and tobacco do not give as much pleasure Dji Sam Soe Kretek usual, is too soft and lacked the courage and that's what makes me less fit to these cigarettes. This variant should be suitable for smokers who want to try a "smoking / cigarettes heavyweight" remembers unfiltered and contained toxins per cigarette is quite large: Tar 32mg and Nicotine 2.0mg, but with a suction light and delicate flavor. Try this product.
Dji Sam Soe Gold
Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012
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Felicia Halim
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Sampoerna Avolution
Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Sampoerna was not aware that the act of its competitors. Not wanting to keep market share ground, innovation for innovation continue to be made. One of them created a 12 pack. Proven, powerful innovations was incredible. A Mild 12 seen rampant in the corners of this country. The average stored in the pockets of young people or teenagers. Unfortunately, competitors do not want to give up. Thus was born the same packaging as well. Class Mild shamelessly also issued editions Class Mild 12. More inclined to rely on the price, based on the Holy cigarettes, Central Java, is optimistic to capture consumer loyalty. In fact, in a market A Mild, again eroded.
Aware that the competition is no longer petty, but it's big fish, Sampoerna removing magic tricks. U Mild born. It's actually just corporate strategy. U Mild to low tar and nicotine under the second class A Mild. The goal is to block the smoke addicts decided to throw in Class Mild or Starmild.
But apparently not enough Sampoerna with the conventional innovation. Made a spectacular breakthrough, a revolutionary product. Avolution born. Low tar and nicotine cigarettes are completely new faces in the world of Indonesian cigarettes. The packaging is very cozy. Boxes, small, long. Trunk diameter of about 5.41 mm and a length of 100 mm.
This is indeed a revolution in premium Sampoerna. According to the Managing Director of PT HM Sampoerna Angky Camaro, the premium segment is still little competition. Avolution not actually make any difference with the A Mild Menthol. And pull the same sense. Avolution indeed suck to win in style. But not in the bag. With the price of Rp9.500, smoking is very, very detrimental.

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Felicia Halim
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A Flava Click Mint
Jumat, 16 Maret 2012
One more variant of the products launched by PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. After successfully presenting some mild cigarette products in the segment of Low Tar Low Nicotine (LTLN) as A Mild and Avolution, the company re-create innovations with the product launch mild cigarettes Low Tar Low Nicotine (LTLN) latest, A Flava Click Mint. Mentioned, under the family umbrella brand "A", A Flava Click Mint comes as a mild cigarette products in Indonesia with innovative click mint, which offers two different experiences to adult smokers of cigarettes, the cigarette with a mild flavor and mint. A Mint Flava Click aimed at adult smokers who dare to express personal opinions to be at the forefront. They are the ones who dare to explore new things around them, to want a different smoking experience. A Flava Click Mint itself has a selling price of Rp 10,000 for a pack of 12 sticks.
"The latest innovation from the A Flava Click Mint is intended to offer a different experience for smokers smoking adults. They can define their own distinct flavors of mint, only to break the mint ball contained in the filter A Flava Click Mint."
"The latest innovation from the A Flava Click Mint is intended to offer a different experience for smokers smoking adults. They can define their own distinct flavors of mint, only to break the mint ball contained in the filter A Flava Click Mint."
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Felicia Halim
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Djarum Black Slimz
Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012
The most popular subbrand of Djarum cigarettes (internationally at least), Djarum Black, is sold in black and original packaging. Each cigarette is rolled in black paper. They are sold in flat, skinny packs of twenty cigarettes, rows of ten across and two deep (as are nearly all other internationally sold Djarum products). The package bears an embossed Djarum gramaphone stylus logo, and a stylized red "A" in the word "Black". Blacks are a medium potency cigarette, comparable with "Medium" flavor cigarettes of many other common brands like Marlboro, though their tastes are dissimilar, attributable to the Asian "Srintil" versus American tobacco and the addition of cloves. By weight, cloves make up about 40% of the cigarette, the remaining 60% being tobacco. The filter of Blacks are coated in a spiced "sauce", flavored with spices native to the region; mainly the taste is of clove, cardamom, and cinnamon; the "sauce" is also rather sweet. Blacks are packed much tighter than most American brands of cigarettes, and tend to be hard to draw from for the first few drags. They also have a tendency to go out if not drawn from regularly, an effect that is exaggerated if the user packs the cigarettes prior to use. An additional effect of tight packing is the propensity for Blacks to burn 1/4-1/3 longer than more common brands, though this is of course dependant on the individual smoker as well.
Loaded with the uniqueness and innovation, Djarum Black is one of the brand PT. Djarum who successfully position themselves in the top ranks of the tight competition similar industries. Dare to be different as the first black berkertas cigarettes, followed by continuous innovations like Djarum Black Djarum Black Cappuccino and Tea which is a cappuccino-flavored cigarettes and taste of tea in Indonesia.
Dated March 31, 2008, black shades brand launched their cutting edge innovation that is Djarum Black Slimz. "Why slimz named, because this is a unique smoking cigarettes first black paper with a trunk diameter of the smallest in Indonesia is 6.1 mm and length 95 mm," said Corporate Communications Manager. Djarum, also adding that the latest variant "Slimz" This was created for people who crave stability of the smart urban flavor and a smoother pull. Stability of these products are also backed with black paper cigarette packaging design is elegant and chic modern style minimalist and masculine.
"Appearances are more slender Djarum Black does not mean reducing the stability of sense. That stability is more subtle flavor and pull the mainstay of Djarum Black Slimz"
Indeed, when viewed in the current tobacco industry, cigarette category Clove Cigarettes Machine (SKM) lights are the fastest growing category compared with other smoking categories. Recorded an increase of 2.8%, from 17.6% in 2006 to 20.4% in 2007. Seeing opportunity, PT. Djarum sure to get the market in the category of SKM lights with Djarum Black Slimz produced through a process mature and tested for 2 years. See a very tight competition in this category, it is impossible to win the competition with the products mediocre. Therefore we created a full product differentiation is.

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Dji Sam Soe Super Premium Masterpiece
Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Brand Manager of Dji Sam Soe, in his press conference at the Hotel Imperial Aryaduta, say, the price is quite exclusive retail priced at Rp 25 thousand / pack.
In addition, smoking was more devoted to the segment of adult smokers by age 18 years and over. Management is optimistic HM Sampoerna themselves able to reach the largest market share in the market segment category Clove Cigarettes Hand (SKT). According to him, SKT category achieved a 16% market share in Eastern Indonesia, the national segment in 2007 has a market share of 8.4%, where the top 10 brands of cigarettes, the product was in third position.
"Skillfully recreated by our master blenders from long-lost recipe. Dji Sam Soe Super Premium Masterpiece is a selection of world class finest tobaccos and cloves, so rare That this masterpiece is available for a limited time only".
This is what written on the small brochure that's included in the metal / bronze exclusive package. Now lets talk about the cigarettes Itself, it has tar and nicotine 35MG about 2.3 MG per cigarettes. Its quite mild for unfiltered clove cigarettes, unlike its brother. You can feel the nutty and caramel on the smoke, and bit of vanilla in it but you can still taste the Dji Sam Soe famous sauce in it even though it can feels too mild for an unfiltered cigarettes but not as mild as Dji Sam Soe Gold . Put it short this cigarette is indeed a masterpiece.
It is one of the best cigarettes you can get, and it is one of the best you can buy cigarettes. Too bad it is not on production and its extremely rare right now. If you find one, you should definitely buy this.
"This product is the best use of tobacco and cloves, and wrapped in tin sliding innovative packaging. Each pack of clove cigarettes is a good category and consists of 12 filter cigarettes. Especially for cigarettes, each bar wrapped in aluminum foil"
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