Sampoerna was recorded as the first company to launch a kind of low tar low Massage Shaper (LTN). The company is also very concerned with IT and successful innovations in a variety of things.
"How low can you go?"
Do you remember the sentence that is quite popular in the 1990's this? Certainly, because this sentence we often encounter on television, radio, or on posters. And associations will almost certainly go straight to the A Mild, Sampoerna cigarette output. A Mild listed as a type of low tar cigarettes low Massage Shaper (LTLN), the first in Indonesia. In fact, because there are only a clove cigarette in Indonesia, can be also referred to as the first in the world. Sampoerna A Mild is there, make a new class or type in the tobacco industry. Where once there were only kretek cigarette machine (SKM), kretek cigarette hand (SKT), and white cigarette machines (SPM). Then, came a new type, namely the engine clove cigarettes low tar low nicotine (SKMLTLN). Of course also appeared and formed a new segment of consumers of cigarettes. This
factor also makes Sampoerna as the "parent" reasonable given the thumbs
up because it managed to open and to drive the market.
However, in forming this new segment, A Mild have to work extra hard. Moreover, because of our loyalty to the kretek smokers is high. Even so, little by little began to grow and the consumer market was established. As a pioneer, A Mild just does not highlight the novelty. However, direct "challenge" the other. The challenge is, how low levels of tar and nicotine that can be achieved. Thus, A Mild advertisement that appears first is a version of "How low can you go?". On
the other hand, there are external factors that give wind at A Mild,
which began the emergence of a healthy life, one with no smoke or choose
a low-nicotine cigarettes.
After the success of his first ad, A Mild and launched a version of "Bukan Basa-Basi". Through
this version appears satire, criticism, or campaign which is delivered
with a unique, funny, and sometimes provoke the mind to associate the ad
with the social and political phenomenon that is happening.
"Actually we're not doing criticism or sindirin on a political and social events in the country. However,
we try to make our target consumers to be more critical in any case,
both the environment and life", said General Manager of Brand Marketing PT HM Sampoerna.
However, he acknowledges, a big umbrella for a big theme this year is to provide a space for young adults of expression. "The generation of 18 years is appropriate given the creative space. If they have an opinion, need to be considered, because good ideas do not necessarily come from an old or experienced. "Sampoerna A Mild was not just talking big without doing any real action for young adult smokers who become targets. For example, by holding the A Mild 12 CreaTips. Namely, the race to make a creative tips, inspirational, and intriguing. Tips to win the race that was held in 12 cities will later be used to design A Mild 12 packs of next year. Activity
which is a translation of the experiential marketing is not done once
or twice by A Mild or other product output Sampoerna, but many times.
Another example in A Mild is a print ad contest winner medium used A Mild as its print ad. Then, Sampoerna A Hijau drum contest held to welcome the month of Ramadan.
Almost all products Sampoerna become the main sponsor big events nationwide. Both in the field of sports, music, and more. A
Mild is a sponsor Soundrenalin, terakbar country music scene and also
supports the IBL, basketball competition among clubs in Indonesia. Dji Sam Soe became a major supporter of the Copa Indonesia. While Sampoerna A Hijau to funders Indonesia Pro Volleyball League.
In the great activities there are always games that encourage participants to experience exciting. The game is not just creativity contest conducted directly in the various events, but also through internet media. A Mild 12 CreaTips race can be followed by all persons over 18 years to go to the website In addition, upon entering the site, you can take a quiz the other and share experiences with others.
for a "mere" games and quizzes are Sampoerna serious work on the
technology, of course, to his business affairs, technology has also
become an integral part. Obviously, technology is seen in the communications business. The company has six factories in different places. In Pandaan one plant, and three in Surabaya, one in Malang, and the other in Karawang, West Java.

In the meantime, there is a head office and branches spread all over Indonesia. If we relate to Surabaya or other offices, not as long-distance call should dial the city code. But, it's like antarruang in one office or intercom. Beginning in 2007, Sampoerna complement its sales division with the personal digital assistant (PDA) plus a small printer. Handheld is provided to approximately 1,500 Sampoerna salesman. The use of these devices are packaged in the program International Sales & Merchandising System. So that sales can be done automatically and the sales do not need to create reports manually.
Then, talk about innovation, Sampoerna never seemed to stop doing it. Associated with the product, obviously, the birth of A Mild is a major innovation in the map of Indonesian cigarette industry. Then, there are packs of innovation by Sampoerna A Hijau which was awarded as the Innovative Packaging Award. Not wanting to miss, as Dji Sam Soe cigarettes in Indonesia was the most expensive to innovate by launching a premium version for high-end user. This year, Sampoerna clove cigarettes first launched by international brands, the Marlboro cigarettes. Large-scale promotion for all brands Sampoerna, both below the line or above the line, have a major impact for each brand. A Mild and Dji Sam Soe has the highest awareness level in its class. These two brands have also become the market leader in the respective category. Sampoerna A Hijau growth more stable, a middle-class choice of smoking cigarettes. Then, Marlboro cigarettes seemed to directly compensate the players other types of SKM.
In 2006, the performance of this company's net sales increased approximately 19.8% over the previous year. Their sales in 2005 amounting to Rp 24.7 trillion, up to Rp 29.5 trillion in 2006. Sales performance was accompanied by a volume of sales of 64.7 billion cigarettes in 2006, an increase of 15.3% compared to 2005 which recorded sales of around 56.6 billion sticks.
Then, talk about innovation, Sampoerna never seemed to stop doing it. Associated with the product, obviously, the birth of A Mild is a major innovation in the map of Indonesian cigarette industry. Then, there are packs of innovation by Sampoerna A Hijau which was awarded as the Innovative Packaging Award. Not wanting to miss, as Dji Sam Soe cigarettes in Indonesia was the most expensive to innovate by launching a premium version for high-end user. This year, Sampoerna clove cigarettes first launched by international brands, the Marlboro cigarettes. Large-scale promotion for all brands Sampoerna, both below the line or above the line, have a major impact for each brand. A Mild and Dji Sam Soe has the highest awareness level in its class. These two brands have also become the market leader in the respective category. Sampoerna A Hijau growth more stable, a middle-class choice of smoking cigarettes. Then, Marlboro cigarettes seemed to directly compensate the players other types of SKM.
In 2006, the performance of this company's net sales increased approximately 19.8% over the previous year. Their sales in 2005 amounting to Rp 24.7 trillion, up to Rp 29.5 trillion in 2006. Sales performance was accompanied by a volume of sales of 64.7 billion cigarettes in 2006, an increase of 15.3% compared to 2005 which recorded sales of around 56.6 billion sticks.
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